New Table and Spaghetti Dinner


Samantha here! Guess What!? We got new furniture! It’s super cute! It’s a flower table and chairs. It’s white right now, but it would look so much better is Mom let me spray paint it a purple and pink zebra print. I asked, but mom gave me an emphatic NO!

I just came home from the pool. I’m taking swim lessons, although, I don’t really need them, I already know how to swim. But there’s it’s part of a training session I have to do this summer if I want to try out for the swim team in the fall.

I live in NYCand everybody does takeout here. I have a lot of sisters, so often to save money, Mom will cook for us. But most of my friends do takeout. After I asked about painting the furniture, though I was surprised that Mom let me order out from my favorite restaurant Spoletto.


Mom ordered a huge platter. We don’t have a set dinner time, everybody just migrates toward the kitchen when they feel hungry,and my sisters can eat later. I am surprised by how ginormous it is. And she ordered extra meat on the side because my sisters Inna and Nairobe (home from college) are total carnivores!

What’s your favorite takeout/restaurant? Do you get to eat there often?

Time to eat now!

Toy Fair 2013

My Human attended Toyfair. And she actually got us stuff – I mean cool stuff. Which is good because we never received the special orders.

Also started a new YouTube channel with random human minutiae, but my sisters and I make a cameo. You can check it out here.

20130215-150344.jpg Here I am in a Fashion World outfit.


Hi All, Chloe here. My human, went to AGP NYC to look at Soirse. Then left. gasp! WITHOUT Soirse. Or Sabine. My human said some nonsense about needing to replace a broken phone & winter tights instead. WHY? Who does she need to call? Why can’t she just talk to us?

Stupid Human!

~mutter~ Auntie Geist!? You were there! How’d you let this happen! ~mutter~

On the plus side: we are in negotiations for some winter clothes. Some of our human’s friends sent her winter clothes for us. (OK not all Humans are stupid). The CPK’s totally swooped in and took our coat & skirt, but our Human says she’ll consider getting us something else from etsy (she’s asking about a custom order just for us AG’s – SQUEE!) or from All Dolled Up

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Magic Tests

Magic Test

Mia was flipping through the doll magazine Doll Pop!, turning the pages with a low, laxy rattle. It was beginning to get on my nerves. She wasn’t making a lot of noise, really; but it bugs me when I’m trying to study and people around me are making noise. I frowned in her direction, but she didn’t notice it, even though she looked up for a second before flipping over to lay on her stomach before she continued to read. We we all supposed to be doing homework. Our human is very serious about all schoolwork and told us to finish it before going on to other activities. But there Mia’s sat, HW untouched, beside her wet skates which she also hadn’t put away.

Closing my Intro to Orgo book a little harder than necessary (a gesture which was totally lost to oblivious Mia) but not quite slamming it, I gave up and scooted over to Mia. I got excited when she reached for her bookbag. But no, she only pulled out a sheet of looseleaf and began scribbling rapidly, looking up to check the magazine occasionally.

“What are you looking at?”
“There’s a quiz in here, and a send-away”
“What’s the quiz?”
“Its a preliminary for the send way. You answer q’s check your score and then depending on how you do, they recommend you send-away for a Wizard Test,” Mia responded, not looking up at me at all.

“Wizard Test?”

“Yeah -for Hogwarts. The are introducing a Doll study program and think that some dolls might belong to muggle-human families. So they put an ad in the DollPop! There are some simple potion recipes in here too. For stuff like Luminos. But who would use a potion for that?” Mia said, shaking her head – then she pushed the magazine over so that it was closer to me. “Here, read.”

“You have to pay for the send away?”

“Sure.” she frowned at me

New Sister

Vieve here. 20130215-135507.jpg

More birthday stuff going on. Our human says we might get a new sister. We were supposed to get more than one, but apparently it’s been a tough year (silly human! Go out & earn more dough! *cracks whip*)

Anyway, we are trying to decide between sisters, and it’s really hard:

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So all of us dolls have a collective birthday party in November. Our Human adopted many of us in the winter time so it’s easiest To chose one date for the party. Party preps are totally underway and going to be lots of fun but more about that later. For now, I am trying to choose an outfit. Our human says we can chose one, but that we must agree. I want the Mckenna outfit set most:

McKenna’s Rainy Day outfit – click to see. 20121118-092310.jpg



But my silly sister Esme tried on the outfit below, she’s really preppy but she loves hats, and she thinks this is the best:

20121118-093657.jpg Casual Chic Outfit 20121118-093907.jpg

“But Esme,” I said, exasperated! this is the problem with having so many sisters, you can never get your own way “the rainy day set comes with the cutest boots and rain gear.”

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How it all started….

“My blog friend goes all over the world with her blog.” Star said, as she refilled her iced coffee cup from the ginormous human one on the table. Its the third time and I cringe in anticipation of her splashing everything all over, but again despite her haphazard manner, she has perfect balance. “I’ll start a blog like hers. You can join too.”

“How is some blogger your friend – you don’t even know her,” I say.

“I met her that one time and she’s way cool! And has cats” Star says, slurping her iced coffee and practicing pirouettes in her bare feet. “Besides, friends have similar interests.”

“Have you been reading our human’s Vogue magazine healthy living tips again? You should be careful -those things rot doll brain.” (I kinda think they rot human brain too -but ssssh! I don’t wanna offend my person.) I move out of the way of a particularly vigorous set of jetés… Star doesn’t take ballet classes with Esme and the rest of us because she doesn’t like structure. But she’s really good. She’s even better than the prima ballerina’s at our studio.

“Blogging is cool. I can make even more friends” Star continues,: jump; third position, fourth, third. Bound! Slurp.

“Well for one thing you would have to sit still… to type it.” I remind Star.

“Nope. That’s why I have a sister like you, Chloe.” Star pirouettes around to face me. She smiles and says, “You can write the blog. You like this sitting still stuff anyway, right? Isn’t that why you got an internship at Doll Pop! ?


So here I am. Hello World. In this blog you’ll get to meet me and my sisters. Some of us attend Ageha Academy of Arts. Esme wants to study abroad at Beauxbutons but we’re not sure if our human can afford it. Dress robes and cauldrons are expensive!

Stay tuned for more snapshots of our everyday life!

Hello world!

Chloe here! (pictured below) My sister Star, is the one who wants a blog, just like her friend Inky. Somehow I got roped into being the one to write it. Is it still Star’s blog if I’m the editor-(read: work horse)-in-chief?

First, the tags edify! Are where I will post all my updates! General updates.
There are many of us sisters, well maybe not many, but – I’ll post their bio once I can get them to sit still long enough for a questionnaire.

Thanks! 🙂 keep reading!
