Magic Tests

Magic Test

Mia was flipping through the doll magazine Doll Pop!, turning the pages with a low, laxy rattle. It was beginning to get on my nerves. She wasn’t making a lot of noise, really; but it bugs me when I’m trying to study and people around me are making noise. I frowned in her direction, but she didn’t notice it, even though she looked up for a second before flipping over to lay on her stomach before she continued to read. We we all supposed to be doing homework. Our human is very serious about all schoolwork and told us to finish it before going on to other activities. But there Mia’s sat, HW untouched, beside her wet skates which she also hadn’t put away.

Closing my Intro to Orgo book a little harder than necessary (a gesture which was totally lost to oblivious Mia) but not quite slamming it, I gave up and scooted over to Mia. I got excited when she reached for her bookbag. But no, she only pulled out a sheet of looseleaf and began scribbling rapidly, looking up to check the magazine occasionally.

“What are you looking at?”
“There’s a quiz in here, and a send-away”
“What’s the quiz?”
“Its a preliminary for the send way. You answer q’s check your score and then depending on how you do, they recommend you send-away for a Wizard Test,” Mia responded, not looking up at me at all.

“Wizard Test?”

“Yeah -for Hogwarts. The are introducing a Doll study program and think that some dolls might belong to muggle-human families. So they put an ad in the DollPop! There are some simple potion recipes in here too. For stuff like Luminos. But who would use a potion for that?” Mia said, shaking her head – then she pushed the magazine over so that it was closer to me. “Here, read.”

“You have to pay for the send away?”

“Sure.” she frowned at me

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